A psychologist went to school to study the effects that situations have on the human brain and how the human brain copes or deals with those situations.
Because they have the insight on would brings joy, stress, sadness, fear, etc. to the human mind or state, they can help video game designers better invoke those emotions through their games. They know what makes the human brain tick, so they can help scare, sadden, cheer up, or anger the audience the game developers are designing for. They know the difference between what will work or invoke different emotions to different audiences.
1. It allows the reader to fill in details from their own experience. It makes the few adjectives used more vivid and vigorous.
2. It presents a powerful image without interrupting the narration.
King henry VIII was the one who broke from the catholic church because he wanted a divorce and the pope refused to do so
It made America Independent from Great Britain .
Advancement in ltechnology would be on and changes in government