People came for a variety of reasons, including economy, adventure, health, and philosophical notions such as Manifest Destiny. During the early 1830s affluence, Americans gambled heavily on the land, resulting in the Panic of 1837 and the following downturn.
The right answer is D.
When states join international organizations, they willingly agree to some limitations on its sovereignty. They cede some sovereign authority to the collective body. So, a powerful country that is reluctant to give up political autonomy is the least likely to join an intergovernmental organization.
It resulted to soil erosion,landslides and desertification.Mangoes tree planting helped to protect the soil and the trees grew maturity and farmer would earn income from selling mangoes.
Garrison is referring to the Liberator
William Lloyd Garrison said ,I'll be quite as harsh as reality and as intransigent as justice. I do not want to think, talk or write moderately on this topic.
No! no! Tell a man which house is still on fire and give him a mild warning; tell him to save his wife reasonably from the hand of the ravener; ask the mother to slowly extract her child from the fire into that he fell.
I'm in earnest—-I'm not going to make a mistake—-I'm not going to excuse—-I'm not going to withdraw a single inch—and I'm going to be here.
The complacency of the citizens is enough to spring from each statue and hasten the dead to rise.
One thing that happened was that the Ottomans decided on slaughtering most of the current aristocracy that was in place before they came - which was logical for them as they didn't want the previous monarchs to interfere with their rule. On the other hand they treated farmers better and they had more rights than before. They could also marry between religions if they wanted to. They also had the same cultural rights as before.