green beans salad
natural yogurt
apple or orange
a slice of wholemeal bread
Avoid consuming coffee, alcoholic beverages, processed foods, cold cuts, and fried, hot, and sweet foods
Eat slowly, chewing well and calmly
The afterlife (also referred to as life after death, the world to come or reincarnation) is an existence in which the essential part of an individual's identity or their stream of consciousness continues to live after the death of their physical body.
It is a tick disease so whenever the ticks are out people can get it. If you live in Northeastern United States these fall in Fall and Winter season when most people and animals get bitten.
The average resting rate for a teenager is 50-60, while in moderate exercise it may rise to 100-140 beats per minute.
I'm thinking it would be lack of knowledge of disease. If a parent doesn't know about childhood diseases then they won't know what to look for. Example, my newborn nephew had a cough and congestion, they took him to the ER last night and found out he has DSV and that he most likely got it from his older sisters who also have a cough.