Some individuals have genes that increase their chances for survival and reproduction. These individuals are more likely to reproduce and pass on their genes, causing their genes to become more common in the next generation.
The basic idea of natural selection is that environmental conditions determine how well the characteristics of organisms contribute to the survival and reproduction of the organism; organisms that do not have these traits may die before reproduction or be less fertile. As long as environmental conditions remain the same or close enough for these traits to remain adaptive, these traits will become more common in populations. The loss of an ecological niche of a species or overcrowding as a result of an increase in abundance can significantly alter the adaptive characteristics required for survival. In this case, and also in any environment where survival is determined more by ecology than secondary sex characteristics, ecological choice takes place.
At meiosis II in the mother
Both the parents have normal vision but both the sons are colorblind. Since colorblindness is X linked recessive disorder, the sons have obtained the allele for colorblindness from mother. This makes the mother carrier for colorblindness. The genotype of the mother is X^cX. The young man with Klinefelter syndrome is colorblind which means that he is homozygous recessive for the allele of colorblindness. His genotype is X^cX^cY. Since this man has obtained two copies of the allele of colorblindness, the mother must have experienced nondisjunction at meiosis II during gamete formation.
Anaphase-II of meiosis II separates and segregates the sister chromatids (now called daughter chromosomes) to opposite poles. Failure of segregation of two copies of X^c chromosome of mother to opposite poles and their distribution to the same egg cell resulted in the formation of an egg with two copies of X^c chromosome. Fertilization of this egg with a sperm carrying "Y" chromosome as sex chromosome resulted in a zygote with X^cX^cY that developed into the man with Klinefelter syndrome and colorblindness.
Yes, It is so strong enough that it can effect an Hillside.
When this happens gasses dissolved in the magma are able to come out of solution, forming gas bubbles (the cavities) inside it. When the magma finally reaches the surface as lava and cools, the rock solidifies around the gas bubbles and traps them inside, preserving them as holes filled with gas called vesicles.