Transport proteins (carrier proteins and channel proteins) allow substances into and out of the cell that cannot pass through the phospholipid bilayer (as they’re either to large, charged or not lipid soluble) by facilitated diffusion.
Specifically channel proteins allow ions into and out of the cell by creating a pore in the membrane in which they can move through with their concentration gradient
A fall in temperature can also adversely affect cell and cell membranes. At low temperatures, the phospholipids' fatty acid tails are moving less and stiffer. This reduces the membrane's overall fluidity as well as reduces its permeability and perhaps limits the entry into the cells of vital chemicals like oxygen and glucose. Also, low temperatures can impede cell development by preventing cell size expansion.
In severe cases, such long term exposure to sub-freezing temperatures, fluid in the cell can start solidifying and can form crystals that breach the membrane and destroy the cell.
I think homologous structures is a great example and idea that supports the theory of evolution. Homologous structures shows us how our futures evolved by natural selection.
Collagen is the structural protein found in skin and connective tissue. This protein is the most abundant protein, that makes up one-third of the protein in the human body. The function of this protein in the skin is to give the skin strength and elasticity, and to replace dead skin cells. In connective tissues it s<span>upports structures and anchor cells to each other.</span>
Certainly most of the microorganisms in nature have been successfully cultured in the laboratory. In fact there are several ways to do it using different kind of mediums that help the development of microorganisms. Also, there are various type of medium for developing various kind of cells.