Mass production was popularized in the late 1910s and 1920s by Henry Ford's Ford Motor Company, when introduced electric motors to the then-well-known technique of chain or sequential production.
Europeans were inspired to explore the west coast of Africa because they needed more labor to extract raw materials and resources from the New World, especially in the Caribbean. This led to a sharp increase in slave trading.
These people were also referred to as hippies as well as counter culture. This was because while America was going places and improving, the "counterculture" wanted to stay right where they were. They didn't like the way America was going so they chose to live how America was.
The Atlantic slave trade had a negative impact on African societies and the long-term impoverishment of West Africa. For some it intensified effects already present among its rulers and kingdoms.
The use of African slave labour was not new. The Spanish and Portuguese had been using African slaves since the 16th century. However, the Atlantic slave trade of the 18th century was a new kind of slavery and was on a scale much greater than ever before.
The implications of the slave trade included:
Effects of the trade on African societies in West Africa
The slave sellers and European ‘factories’ on the West African coast
The development of slave-based states and economies
The destruction of societies
The development of foreign colonies
Leaders of African societies took roles in continuing the trade