b. template<classT>.
Template functions are that can work with generic types. Template lets us to create a function so that more than 1 type or class can adapt the functionality of that function.
We can write the template function as following:-
template<class typename>.
It matches to the option b.
A speed govenor
speed governor is an electronic device linked to the gearbox where sensors capture the movement of the vehicle. If the vehicle exceeds the specified speed limit, the device automatically slows the vehicle.
Some of the benefits of sharing a workbook include:
A. Shared information between students (ie: Mary writes a note about (blank) in the workbook and John reads said note and receives addition information about (blank)).
B. ^adding onto this, discussion on interpretations of a passage (ie: John thinks (blank) means this and Mary thinks (blank) means other thing, through notes they can discuss the meaning of the text.
Hope this helps. =)