“Everyone can see that my opponent is not the best choice to be president. He is too young, thus too inexperienced. He would be
an awful president. I have more education, from a more prestigious university and have more hands on experience. During my time as governor I actually built homes for habit habitat for humanity. I would do even more good as president.” Which sentence is an example of "card stacking?"
A. I have more education, from a more prestigious university and have more hands on experience.
B. Everyone can see that my opponent is not the best choice to be president.
C. During my time as governor I actually built homes for habit habitat for humanity.
D. He is too young, thus too inexperienced.
A. I have more education, from a more prestigious university and have more hands-on experience.
Card stacking is a propaganda technique that focuses on one perspective while neglecting the other. This technique can be used in different areas, including politics. Like in the given example, many political figures speak about their own accomplishments while not mentioning the opponent's accomplishments. They do this in order to convince the public that they are the best option, unlike the other side.
The example of card stacking in the given example is sentence A - the speaker tells about how superior they are compared to their opponent.