Decomposer. Hope it helps!
A short period of time, after the onset of puberty. The first mature eggs starts to be released from the ovaries during menstruation. Menstruation may first occur during the start of puberty in women, it may start as early as 8 years old and can start late as 16 years old. Menstruation is the process wherein not fertilized eggs are being broken down and released from the body.
Function and structure are related, because of a certain structure a living thing make contain makes the object function the way it does. There are a lot of structural future in humans, plants, animal and all living things.
DNA is a double helix and has base-pairing between nucleotides through the use of hydrogen bonds
The nucleotides are made up of a nitrogen base [base-pairing adenine (A) with thymine (T) and guanine (G) with cytosine (C)], a phosphate, and a deoxyribose (sugar); all of which are held together by hydrogen bonds. The binding allows the DNA to have a sugar-phosphate backbone connected with hydrogen bonds because they are firm but also easy to break (for DNA transcription)