Five Elements of Fiction
-Point of View
Plot: how the author arranges events to develop the basic idea
it is the sequence of events in a story or play.
The plot is a planned, logical series of events having a beginning, middle, and end.
His attitude in making all three wishes reveal that he had changed from being expectant (first wish) to being scared (second and third wish).
The short story "The Monkey's Paw" by W. W. Jacobs evolve around the wish-granting item of a monkey's paw that was acquired by Mr. White, the protagonist of the story. The story delves into the themes of myth, superstition, greed, and death.
After acquiring the monkey's paw from Sergeant-Major Morris, Mr. White did not really have any belief in the story of the wish-granting ability. But pressurized by his wife and son, he decided to "test" the charm and wished for <em>"two hundred pounds"</em> so that they can pay off the mortgage for the house. He was at first skeptical about the wish coming true but when he got the right amount, though, at the cost of his son's life, he began to get scared.
His second wish was to bring his son back, again after being pressurized by his wife. To him, the first wish was <em>"A c-c-coincidence"</em> and even stated <em>"It is foolish and wicked"</em> to wish for another thing, that too, for his son to be brought back alive after the gruesome way he died. And when the knocking started, he was petrified for what was to be at the door. The line <em>'"A rat,” said the old man shakily – "a rat. It passed me on the stairs."' </em>reveals the real nature of the old man when he hears the knocking at the door.
And then, after realizing that it was probably their dead son coming alive again, Mr. White<em> "was on his hands and knees feeling around wildly on the floor in search of the paw"</em> so that he can make his third wish and make <em>"the thing"</em> at the door go away. The very nature of addressing whoever/ whatever was at the door as<em> "the thing"</em> suggests that whatever was there is something that isn't natural. Mr. White's frantic reaction and wish to make the knocking stop shows his scared reaction to the wishes he had made.
In "Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes, the protagonist Charlie Gordon is a special needs man who agrees to undergo an experiment that is meant to increase his intelligence. The narrative is composed of Charlie's progress reports, which at first reflects his low intelligence through limited vocabulary and incorrect writing. The author's language changes according to Charlie's mental progression; his grammar and spelling improve significantly, and his vocabulary increases.
Go Allen!! Burn those flags!
Between freedom and safety, safety is more important. safety is more important because you can be free and safe. safety keeps you alive while freedom has endless possibilities. if you are completely free you may also be reckless; however, if your main priority is safety, that can assure a safer life without issue.