Fertilization occurs in the Fallopian tubes. The egg cell is released from the ovaries and travels through the Fallopian tubes where is meets the sperm cell. This is when fertilization occurs.
This scenario has been discovered and studied in slime molds.
The green beard effect is one of the three fundamental mechanisms of kin selection. In the 1960s, W.D. Hamilton in his work on the evolution of altruism brought it into the highlight. The other two mechanisms are kin discrimination and population viscosity. Green-beard effect functions even when the altruist and her recipients are not genealogical kin.
The hyoid bone
The hyoid bone is the only bone in humans that does not articulate with any other bone, but only has muscular, ligamentous, and cartilaginous attachments
Los gemelos fraternos son "dicigóticos", lo que significa que se desarrollaron a partir de dos óvulos diferentes fertilizados por dos espermatozoides diferentes, mientras que los gemelos idénticos son "monocigóticos", es decir, se desarrollaron a partir de un solo óvulo fertilizado que se dividió.