The raising of the real wage of England (due to the shortage of labour as a result of the reduction in population), a trait shared across Western Europe, which in general led to a real wage in 1450 that was unmatched in most countries until the 19th or 20th century.
Fingerprint matching is determined through unique characteristics. To achieve it must have certain ridges. loops and whorls. The characteristic points are then compared to the prints on the system. When forensics finds that there are enough similar matching points, they state whether they are fingerprints in which they match or not.
It is assumed that prints are one hundred percent positive, that is their use is one hundred percent successful with a zero error.
However, the prints are not considered scientific evidence, but it is still a presumption. There is never a hundred percent matching the prints, but just the similarity within the prints.
The US purchased the Florida Territory from Spain... i think that was in 1819
Read the textbook, "World History, Our Human Story" page 90. In this book, there is a small passage that says,
"Some periods of civilization are considered "classical". These are times when a society makes extraordinary achievements in art, science, religion, philosophy, and politics. Classical ages often exert a strong influence over later generations.
The classical periods of the two great Asian civilizations of India and China gave rise to influential religions and philosophical systems- Buddhism, Confucianism, and Daoism. In India, advances in mathematics and astronomy furthered understanding of the way the world works. Both civilizations (India and China) produced artistic and literary works that served as models for hundreds of years and are still studied and admired today.
Please do not copy this word for word, since this is in a textbook that you should have looked over to help figure out the answer. Good luck to you :D