He made everyone observe Buddhist practices.
Main Goal
The purpose of management is to plan, direct, organize and ensure the success of a business at various levels through a number of methods including customer satisfaction and employee training. Management, normally made of a manager and their assistants, is key to running an organization on what could be considered.
C (freedom of speech)
E (equality)
F (Everyone is aloud their own believes)
By the 1960s, a generation of white Americans raised in prosperity and steeped in the culture of conformity of the 1950s had come of age. However, many of these baby boomers (those born between 1946 and 1964) rejected the conformity and luxuries that their parents had provided. These young, middle-class Americans, especially those fortunate enough to attend college when many of their working-class and African American contemporaries were being sent to Vietnam, began to organize to fight for their own rights and end the war that was claiming the lives of so many.
By 1960, about one-third of the U.S. population was living in the suburbs; during the 1960s, the average family income rose by 33 percent. Material culture blossomed, and at the end of the decade, 70 percent of American families owned washing machines, 83 percent had refrigerators or freezers, and almost 80 percent had at least one car. Entertainment occupied a larger part of both working- and middle-class leisure hours. By 1960, American consumers were spending $85 billion a year on entertainment, double the spending of the preceding decade; by 1969, about 79 percent of American households had black-and-white televisions, and 31 percent could afford color sets. Movies and sports were regular aspects of the weekly routine, and the family vacation became an annual custom for both the middle and working class.
The correct answer is: L<span>ittle Joe was 15 years old when he became John Manley's assistant. He is called "Little Joe" not because he is young but because of his size.
At first, Joe Green is the steady kid for Squire Gordon and Lady Anne at Birtwick Park; he replaces James, who in Chapter 16, after the Squire and his better half have chosen to visit companions and remain at an inn, salvages Beauty and Ginger from eating after an indiscreet man has entered the animal dwellingplace, smoking a pipe. In Chapter 17 the fifteen-year-old Joe starts work under the tutelage of James.