The answer is A. Isthmus.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente,
Lo que podemos hacer es proporcionarte la información para que tú armes tus organizadores.
-Los habitantes de Ecuador se hartaron de las injusticias, inequidad y pobreza en la que vivían.
-La Revolución Liberar de Ecuador comenzó el 5 de junio de 1995.
-Liberales y Conservadores comenzaron las hostilidades en Guayaquil.
-El militar Eloy Alfaro y sus tropas derrocaron al gobierno conservador y se nombró como el Jefe Supremo.
-En 1897 se promulga la IX Constitución de Ecuador.
-Eloy Alfaro es nombrado Presidente del Ecuador.
The final agreement to build a stable democracy was signed on 12th. Nov, was Tagged the final agreement to end the Armed conflict and build a stable and lasting peace.
The Six bases were:
1. Comprehensive rural reforms; meant for development of a new Colombian countryside.
2. The need to broaden political participation; to create opportunity for democratic process for peace building.
3. The end of conflict among warring factions.
4. Effective solutions to the intractable illicit drug business.
5.Conceptual agreement on the victims of the conflicts:A decisive measure geared towards peace, justice, truth, reparation, and non-nonoccurence. Full commitment to uphold of human rights.
6.Comprehensive decision on implementation, verification and public endorsement.
Each of these were initially negotiated as separate agreements, and later unanimously agreed as combined agreements.
The transcendentalists are group of people who did not embrace the market revolution because they believe that it is degrading to both natural environment and Americans’ values.
In addition, they also felt that the market revolution is streamlined, modern and the scheduled system can interfere with individual actions and growth.
obtaining informed consent from the participants.
Informed consent: The process by which a patient learns about and understands the purpose, benefits, and potential risks of a medical or surgical intervention, including clinical trials, and then agrees to receive the treatment or participate in the trial.