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I'm pretty sure it's about the main focus on their role
Sherman's neckties were a railway-destruction tactic used in the American Civil War. Named after Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman of the Union Army, Sherman's neckties were railway rails destroyed by heating them until they were malleable and twisting them into loops resembling neckties, often around trees. Wikipedia
The main reasons that imperial nations built large naval forces was to protect their economic interests in these colonies as well as their political interests. In addition they also sought to demonstrate their size and prowess in their ability to exert military force around the globe.
We are delighted that we have remained firm and unshaken in our resolve to have our children recite the National Pledge in schools.
The National Pledge is no propaganda or a gimmick, but endeavours to see our children becoming proud Zimbabweans who prioritise national ideals and the need to fully serve their nation.