Severage water is most desasterous thing of urbun areas.
noise pollution also damage species
severage water contaminates rivers,canals and other water reserviours that can be harmfull for fish comunity moreover animal may drink water from that water bodies that causes problems in them.
contaminated water from industries also effects water bodies.
noise pollution disturb mental life of man as well as animals .
High land climates have very low mean temputures wich cause the Savanah to mist in the rainforest rapidly.
Niacin (Ans. A)
Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is known as important cofactor which help in carrying electrons from one reaction to another reaction in the cellular respiration process.
Cells are able to restore performed compounds which are containing a pyrimidine base precursor vitamin for the synthesis of NAD: nicotinamide, nicotinic acid, and nicotinamide riboside.
These elements are taken up from the diet whos containing vitamin B3. Nicotinamide, and nicotinamide riboside both can be absorbed from the gut. Niacin or vitamin B3 also produced within cells with the help of cellular digestion of NAD+.
The correct answer is B. Glycolysis
It is a process that deals with dissolving sugars which leads directly into the Krebs Cycles.
<h2> Slave Economy of Cotton Plantation </h2>
- By 1850, of the 3.2 million oppressed individuals in the nation's fifteen slave states, 1.8 million were creating cotton. By 1850, of the 3.2 million oppressed individuals in the nation's fifteen slave states, For sure, American cotton before long made up 66% of the worldwide stockpile, and creation kept on taking off. 1.8 million were creating cotton
- About 75% of the cotton created in the United States was in the end traded abroad. Despite the fact that the bigger American and Atlantic markets depended on southern cotton right now, South likewise relied upon these business sectors for acquiring nourishment, produced merchandise, and credits. Hence, the market transformation changed the South similarly as it had a different region