A benefactor or a donor is a wealthy supporter of artists, writers, and scholars
The initiative is a power reserved to the voters to propose legislation, by petition, that would enact, amend or repeal a City Charter or Code provision.
- The right of (legislative) initiative is the constitutionally defined power to propose a new law (bill). The right of initiative is usually attributed to parliaments, which in most countries have the right to make law proposals, alone or sharing this right with the government.
- An initiative is the first in a series of actions. Initiative can also mean a personal quality that shows a willingness to get things done and take responsibility. An initiative is the start of something, with the hope that it will continue. Government and business start initiatives all the time.
- The process is termed INITIATIVE because the electorate can initiate legislation. ... The referendum also permits the Legislature itself to refer proposed legislation to the electorate for approval or rejection. The initiative and referendum processes guarantee Washington's electorate the right to legislate.
If they lose their job, there’s no backup plan
Hector Xavier Monsegur
Jeremy Hammond was sentenced to ten years in prison for his Anonymous hacking. Several other names have been made public, but the group remains true to their name: anonymous.
The answer is "Oral reports"
Oral reports are spoken presentations that a person give to an audience on a specific topic. There are two types of oral reports:
- <u><em>Informal oral reports:</em></u> this one is peculiar because it is usually for small groups and there is a present interaction with the audience.
- <u><em>Formal oral reports:</em></u> these are prepared well for an advanced presentation.
Every oral report needs to have these parts:
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion