I am not sure dude they just like to be mean
they have did the same to some of my freinds
<span>By using FITT principles, my cousin’s goal for his cardiovascular system and fitness levels will be achieve for an improvement will be observe. Running three times per week and gradually increasing to five times a week for cardio-vascular fitness is very effective after three months. Moreover, these changes will be monitor with heart rate monitor and a weighing scale.</span>
Arrange in two layers, called the phospholipid bilayer. Phospholipid molecule has a head, and two tails. The head is hydrophilic (it likes water) and the tails are hydrophobic (phobic meaning it has a phobia of water, or in simple words, hates water).
They both exercise the body, and keep it moving. Both of them help you with weight loss and keep the body active.