The most probable answer for this question would be that almost every life process requires specialized cells in multicellular organisms. To simply put it, cells of multicellular organisms are specialized in a way that they are all grouped into their respective tissues and these tissues are all grouped into their respective organs and these organs are all grouped together into their respective systems and these systems make up the multicellular organisms. These systems have their own functions in maintaining and sustaining the life that the organisms has. The organs have their own functions as well, thus specialized cells are mostly needed in respiration, digestion, circulation, movement, excretion, reproduction, immunity, coordination, and synthesis.
The correct answer is b) Food → Glycolysis → Krebs cycle → Electron transport chain.
When food enters the organism it goes through a lot of processes to become the beginning of glycolysis which produces pyruvate, which turns into acetyl CoA, which at the same time is the beginning material of Krebs cycle. The products of this cycle provide energy for the electron transport chain (NAD(H) and FAD(H)).
The probability is 1/16 that a gamete will receive only paternal chromosomes. In life
cycles that alternate between haploid and diploid stages, fertilization doubles
the number of chromosomes per cell, The pairing of chromosomes along
their lengths , which is essential for crossing over is referred to as synapsis
To control,maintain a rate or speed