The heterozygous birds phenotype would therefore be black and white because both parent genes are dominant so they would be fully expressed,none would overpower the other(no dominant or recessive) this is known as Codominance and and example of this is with the blood types.
Both have an inverse relationship.
The two have an inverse relationship, that is, when elevation increases, atmospheric pressure decreases.
This is due to the amount of air on top of you at your current elevation.
At lower elevations, you have more air above you, and thus more pressure.
At higher elevations, you have less air above you, and thus less pressure.
At high elevation food takes longer time too cook due to low pressure, so at high altitude pressure cooker is used to cook food.
OK, :)
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How does atmospheric pressure affect
Sharks, in their basal form have been on Earth for hundreds of millions of years. They were the first to develop a stream-like, torpedo shaped body and created a niche for themselves. Their aerodynamic body shape has evolved to allow for efficient and dynamic movement in water. Having a cartilage instead of bones allowed them to grow large and still be relatively light and buoyant . After they've evolved flexible, protruding jaws, there wasn't much to change. They were able to adapt and exploit all the water habitats as the world was changing.
Answer: CO alarms have a life expectancy of around seven years. The CO alarm will beep every 30 seconds or display ERR or END. If a CO alarm is at its end-of-life, replacing the battery will not stop the beep. Most detectors will beep 4 or 5 times in a row about every 4 seconds. Do not mistake dangerous levels of poisonous gas for a detector with low battery.
Explanation: (credits to the internet) Hope this helped! :D
Fossil B would most likely be correct in this situation