Flatworms are beings that do not have a heart, veins, arteries, capillaries, hemolymph, or some type of circulatory fluid. Their circulation occurs between cells or intercellularly and they are responsible for transporting substances by diffusion from cell to cell.
Flatworms are considered multicellular eukaryotic organisms. This implies that in their cells they have a cellular nucleus, in which the DNA is contained, structuring the chromosomes. Likewise, they are made up of several types of cells, each one specialized in a specific function. They lack a structured circulatory system as such. Because of this they do not have specialized structures such as a heart or blood vessels, however, the circulation of certain substances is established between their cells. This is done thanks to the diffusion process. Substances pass from one cell to another through this process.This does not apply to all flatworms, since in some species of bog and digenae there is a certain organization and some very small conducting vessels known as the endolymphatic system, the which forms a kind of plexus in the parenchyma.It should also be noted that some species do not even have a digestive system, being the digestive tract the one in charge of digestive functions and the distribution of the nutrients they receive.
because it's causing harm to the human but the tapeworm is benefiting from it
barter trade
because you exchange goods
Signs and symptoms of hemophilia vary, depending on your level of clotting factors. If your clotting-factor level is mildly reduced, you may bleed only after surgery or trauma. If your deficiency is severe, you may experience spontaneous bleeding.
Signs and symptoms of spontaneous bleeding include:
- Unexplained and excessive bleeding from cuts or injuries, or after surgery or dental work
- Many large or deep bruises
- Unusual bleeding after vaccinations
- Pain, swelling or tightness in your joints
- Blood in your urine or stool
- Nosebleeds without a known cause
- In infants, unexplained irritability
Bleeding into the brain
A simple bump on the head can cause bleeding into the brain for some people who have severe hemophilia. This rarely happens, but it's one of the most serious complications that can occur. Signs and symptoms include:
- Painful, prolonged headache
- Repeated vomiting
- Sleepiness or lethargy
- Double vision
- Sudden weakness or clumsiness
- Convulsions or seizures
When you bleed, your body normally pools blood cells together to form a clot to stop the bleeding. The clotting process is encouraged by certain blood particles. Hemophilia occurs when you have a deficiency in one of these clotting factors.
There are several types of hemophilia, and most forms are inherited. However, about 30% of people with hemophilia have no family history of the disorder. In these people, an unexpected change occurs in one of the genes associated with hemophilia.
Acquired hemophilia is a rare variety of the condition that occurs when a person's immune system attacks clotting factors in the blood. It can be associated with:
- Pregnancy
- Autoimmune conditions
- Cancer
- Multiple sclerosis
Several different types of clotting factors are associated with different varieties of hemophilia. The main treatment for severe hemophilia involves receiving replacement of the specific clotting factor that you need through a tube placed in a vein.
This replacement therapy can be given to combat a bleeding episode that's in progress. It can also be administered on a regular schedule at home to help prevent bleeding episodes. Some people receive continuous replacement therapy.
Replacement clotting factor can be made from donated blood. Similar products, called recombinant clotting factors, are manufactured in a laboratory and aren't made from human blood.
Other therapies may include:
- Desmopressin. In some forms of mild hemophilia, this hormone can stimulate your body to release more clotting factor. It can be injected slowly into a vein or provided as a nasal spray.
- Clot-preserving medications. These medications help prevent clots from breaking down.
- Fibrin sealants. These medications can be applied directly to wound sites to promote clotting and healing. Fibrin sealants are especially useful in dental therapy.
- Physical therapy. It can ease signs and symptoms if internal bleeding has damaged your joints. If internal bleeding has caused severe damage, you may need surgery.
- First aid for minor cuts. Using pressure and a bandage will generally take care of the bleeding. For small areas of bleeding beneath the skin, use an ice pack. Ice pops can be used to slow down minor bleeding in the mouth.
- Vaccinations. Although blood products are screened, it's still possible for people who rely on them to contract diseases. If you have hemophilia, consider receiving immunization against hepatitis A and B
Both stated that humans should be studied as individuals.
Both stated that evolution occurs in an individual’s lifetime.
I don't no if it is right.