With a partner, clarify information. Student A asks a question with invers,
then Student B replies in the affirmative with the words in parentheses. Follow the example.
We're talking. (until morning)
A: Are we talking?
B: Yes, we talk until the morning.
1. Max phones his friend.
(in Fort-de-France)
2. Hélène lives with her parents.
(in Martinique)
3. Max and Hélène are going to dance.
(tomorrow night)
4. It's snowing. (a lot)
5. Sabrina and Michèle ski.
(in the Laurentians)
6. Nadine takes pictures.
(from his vacation)
Does it snow a lot? (Quebec City)
never gonna124 give you up11 never gonna3 let you 3x dooowwwwnnn never gonna run arouuund and desert you!?
never gonna124 give you up11 never gonna3 let you 3x dooowwwwnnn never gonna run arouuund and desert you!?
Speaking About Yourself
A the hotel
At the train station
Occupation / Work
Greetings and Polite Words
At the café (ordering drinks)
At the restaurant
At the airport
At the shop
Survival Expressions
Taking a Taxi
Being Lost
Small Talk
Gap fillers / Keeping the Conversation
Swear Words / Impolite Words
1.Il a voyagé avec les enfants.
2.Elles ont préparé du riz ce soir
3.Tu as compris la question.
4.J'ai décidé de téléphoner à la police
5.Ali a attendu le facteur
6.Madame Bala a visité le musée national
7.Vous avez rencontré l'avocat Bala
8.J'ai rendu visite à ma mère
9.J'ai quitté le salon à midi
10.Paul a quitté le dortoir à midi
Give a response to :"Je suis intelligent."
Oui, je suis intelligent.
Or :
Non, je ne suis pas intelligent.