When i observe internal parts of plants , i feel that its structure and functions are very complex and dependent from one another
If one part of the plants fail to do its function, it will be most likely that other parts of the plants will be disturbed too
hope this helps
Prokaryotic cells, also known as protocells or prokaryotic cells, belonging to the Prokaryota group of the Monera Kingdom. They are organisms of relatively small size and with well simplified composition and functioning, which makes these beings the first living organisms on the planet. These functions are precarious in relation to eukaryotes, but not taking away their complexity and their ability to adapt to the environment in which they live.
Although prokaryotes have the same molecular structure as eukaryotes, they do not have some cytoplasmic organelles, such as: mitochondria; smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum; golgi complex; plastids; karyomembrane; lysosomes and vacuoles. Even thus, prokaryotes have DNA, which can be observed as a protein free ring (they are devoid of protein).
The prokaryote genetic material is made up of just a strand of circular DNA. Because its nucleus is separated by a thin protective layer, that filament is completely mixed with the cellular hyaloplasma.
Reproduction of prokaryotic cells does not occur by mitosis, but by a process called binary fission.This type of reproduction recombines genetic material through two processes: transduction and transformation. DNA in this cell type is dispersed in the cytoplasm because it does not have a nuclear membrane. In this kind of reproduction, you don't have the chromossomal condesnsation, like what occurs in eukariotes, and then by fission, septa are formed and direct from the surface to the cell nucleus, where the cell is divided into two.