Section 1: Physical Fitness
Do you exercise or play a sport for at least 30 minutes three or more times a week? Yes
Do you stretch before and after exercising? No
Do you warm up before exercising and cool down afterward? No
Do you think that you are at a healthy weight? Yes
Are you mostly happy with the way your body looks and feels? Yes
Do you think you have enough energy? Yes
Give yourself one point for each No response and two points for each Yes response. Section score: _10___
Section 2: Family History
Do you have a family member who:
has high blood pressure? Yes
has diabetes? Yes
has heart disease? No
has cancer? Yes
is extremely overweight? No
Give yourself one point for each Yes response and two points for each No response. Section score: ___7_
Section 3: Hygiene and Medical Care
Do you floss your teeth every day? Yes
Do you brush your teeth at least twice a day? Yes
Do you visit the dentist at least once a year? Yes
Do you use sunscreen? No
Do you know basic first aid? Yes
Are all your immunizations current? Yes
Do you get your vision and hearing checked each year? Yes
Do you see the doctor for a check-up once each year? Yes
Do you feel you get enough sleep at night? Yes
Do you know the warning signs for cancer? No
Give yourself one point for each No response and two points for each Yes response. Section score: _18___
Section 4: Nutrition
Do you eat a lot of red meat or eggs? No
Do you add salt to your food? Yes
Do you add sugar to your food? Yes
Do you eat a lot of high-fat or high-sugar foods? Yes
Do you add butter or cheese to your food? Yes
Do you choose fried foods more often than baked or broiled foods? Yes
Do you drink caffeinated drinks, such as coffee or sodas? Yes
Do you skip meals? No
Give yourself one point for each Yes response and two points for each No response. Section score: _10___
Section 5: Drug Use
Do you smoke or chew tobacco? No
Do you drink alcohol? No
Have you ever used marijuana or other illegal drugs? No
Have you ever abused a prescription drug? No
Give yourself zero points for each Yes response and two points for each No response. Section score: __8__
Section 6: Safety
Have you ever ridden with drivers who were under the influence of alcohol or drugs? No
Have you ever ridden with drivers who speed or disobey traffic laws?no
Do you ever forget to wear your seat belt? No
Do you ever forget to wear a helmet when riding a bike or skateboarding? No
Do you ever play with matches or hazardous materials? No
Is there a gun in your house? No
Give yourself zero points for each Yes response and two points for each No response. Section score: __12__
Section 7: Emotional and Social Health
Do you have hobbies or activities that you enjoy? Yes
Do you give your best effort when doing your work? Yes
Do you find it easy to laugh? Yes
Do you express anger in an appropriate way? Yes
Do you easily fall asleep at night? Yes
Do you share personal problems with someone you trust? Yes
Do you feel well-liked by others? Yes
Do you have someone you can turn to if you need help? Yes
Are your family members and close friends in good health? Yes
Are you generally happy? Yes
Give yourself one point for each No response and two points for each Yes response. Section score: _20___
Total Health Score: __85__
This is mine so it's not going to be accurate for you but please can I get a brainliest.