Lose body fat or weight.
Losing weight, even 10-20% can reduce your risk of diabetes and lead to the treatment of it.
Paleontology in the real world isn't as careless and usually in movies they mis-label things. Paleontology isn't as simple as it seems and in many movies they portray little effort or processing and handling of the fossils. It requires much attention and you have to take care of the bones. Jurassic Park is a great example of fake paleontology and comparing it to real paleontology can surprise you.
Newer layers of earth form <u>on</u><u> </u><u>top</u> of older layers, so as we dig, we can see further back in time. Comparing the fossils between the layers can offer evidence of change.
<u>Phyletic</u><u> </u><u>gradualism</u> - slow, but constant gradual change; supported by transitional species in the fossil record
<u>Punctuated</u><u> </u><u>equilibrium</u>- long periods of no change followed by short periods of rapid change. Can also be supported by the fossil record when no transitional species are found.
Hey There! The "SI" unit is 0.001 grams! Hope this helps!