You don't really see what type of dangerous situation but since you asked a dangerous situation you could do is a stunt motorcycle guy that rides his motorcycle over a pool of sharks. Or a man who wears red in a Bulls arena to get the balls attention but he risk dying if he gets punctured by one of the bulls horns. Or another dangerous situation could be someone entering a monster cave. Or another dangerous situation could be someone meeting up with a Stranger online. There's just so many situations
1. Do not lift weights too heavy for u or u might get injured. Always warm up ur muscles
2. Lose weight
Better cardio
Build muscle
B.)They need to be able to use a cash register to complete customer transactions
Internal pressures are:
1. Addictive tendencies
2. The need to feel pleasure
3. Genetic factors.
External Pressures:
1. Celebrity role models
2. Perception of drug use as a norm
The tendency for one to exhibit or imbibe certain attitude or behaviours could be caused by two major factors, namely:
A. Internal pressure: these include factors that is emanates from within the individual. The tendencies are from within and internal. Examples of internal pressures are:
1. Addictive tendencies
2. The need to feel pleasure
3. Genetic factors.
All these could act as internal pressure that might have an impact in an individual engaging or imbibing a particular behaviour.
B. External pressures: these come from the external environment of the individual, which influences the behavior of an individual. These include factors such as:
1. Celebrity role models
2. Perception of drug use as a norm
Which of these statements describes clinical depression?
3- alternate feelings of extreme happiness and extreme sadness