Lysosomes:an organelle in the cytoplasm of Eukaryota cells containing degradation enzymes enclosed in a membrane.
30 chromosomes: the blood cells are somatic cells too
They mainly target airway epithelial cells
This patient both has left-sided heart failure and right-sided heart failure. In left-sided heart failure, this patient exhibits increasing shortness of breath on exertion as well as three pillow orthopnea which indicates pulmonary congestion. This is because of pooling of blood in the pulmonary circulation. Bipedal edema, in this patient is a grade 2 bipedal edema, reflect right-sided heart failure as there is pooling of blood in the systemic circulation, causing transudation in the most dependent areas of the body.
When bacteria is divided in to two it is called binary fission, but there is also a process called conjugation