For his own sake, no. What he did blatantly put himself in danger and finally was placed under interrogation, etc & so forth.
For the sake of science, yes. What he did, and the consequences thereof, would have publicised his struggle, especially during the age of Enlightenment. Although what he did might also have momentarily pushed people away from science in fear of the consequences of facing the church due to the harsh punishment that he was subjected to. His persistence was, in the end only healthy for the development of science in later years.
The Inca road system formed a network known as the royal highway or qhapaq ñan, which became an invaluable part of the Inca empire, not only facilitating the movement of armies, people, and goods but also providing an important physical symbol of imperial control. Across plains, deserts, and mountains, the network connected settlements and administrative centres. Well-built and lasting, many roads included bridges, causeways, stairways, and also had small stations (chaskiwasi) and sometimes larger, more luxurious complexes (tambos) dotted along every 20 km or so, where travellers could spend the night and refresh.
The Articles of Confederation created the primary national congress to represent the interests of the states: every state would appoint between 2 and 7 delegates to the congress, and every state delegation would have one vote.
I might not be right but it was that the colonies should break from Britain and form a new government elected by the common people, basically Britain should break connections with the King
Florida took a lot of time becoming a state due to the fact that it faced the same dilemma as Missouri as it entered into the Union. They had to wait for a certain period of time to ensure that the balance between Free State and slave remains unbroken. They became a state when Iowa was admitted into the Union which was a free state which maintained the balance.