In the two poems, the journey is a metaphor for life and passage into afterlife. In Ulysses Tennyson talks about how his life is nearing its end and how he's old now while in crossing the bar he talks about dying and going into afterlife. Both poems use the motif of journey on open seas to describe venturing into the unknown, that is, how life passes quickly as a journey does and the next stop on the journey is afterlife.
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Another method of encryption of messages is the Substitution cipher text which involves swapping each letter of a plaintext by a different symbol as programmed by the key.
One of the popular ways to <em>decrypt</em> substitution cipher is to <u>follow this steps</u>:
- Scan through the cipher, looking for single-letter words.
- Count how many times each word or letter appears in the puzzle.
- Write your guesses over the ciphertext.
- Look for apostrophes. ...
- Look for repeating letter patterns
I have taken this before and I believe the answer is D