Ulysses S. Grant was the most acclaimed Union general during the American Civil War and was twice elected President. Grant began his military career as a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1839. After graduation he went on to serve with distinction as a lieutenant in the Mexican–American War.
They help by uncovering secrets about the past because inventors or current society can build off those ideas or past activities by developing new cultures and new laws later on in the future that can become more or more reliable than what it was in the past.
The Answer to your question is A, as once you've completed it, during the time of your hand in you may gain more knowledge, so it'll be easy to go back and change.
agriculture uses 85 percent of water i. this region it is common to misuse land by heavy irrigation in the middle east water scarcity has damage the standard of livjng for inhabitants of the middle east
NIMS is a comprehensive federal approach for incident management applicable at all jurisdictional levels and practical disciplines. This approach intends to:
It should appropriate across a full spectrum of events, hazards, and consequences, regardless of area, or complexity.
It should enhance coordination and collaboration between private and public entities in incident management activities.
Command and Management. NIMS standard incident command structures are based on three principal management systems:
ICS- ICS describes the working characteristics, interactive supervision components, the composition of incident management and contingency response organizations which are engaged throughout the life cycle of an incident.
Multiagency Coordination Systems. These policies illustrate the operating features, interactive management elements. The organizational formation of supporting incident management entities engaged at the State, local, federal, tribal, and regional levels throughout mutual support agreements and other assistance.
Public Information. Public Information pertains to methods, procedures, and arrangements for communicating timely with accurate information to the citizens during emergency situations.