It dried it up due to irrigation
Answer :
Jen should ask herself "What does the company consider ethical?" "What is the companies personal morals?" "How do these ethics contribute to the companies success?" "How does this document represent the companies ethics, what is similar?"
He might have done it to save his people and so that they could fight back after his death and send the people that he sent home during the war to defeat the Persians after his death.
1492'de Amerika'nın keşfinden sonra İspanya, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin şu anki güneybatısı, Meksika ve Karayipler'den Orta Amerika'ya, Güney Amerika'nın çoğuna ve Kuzey Amerika'nın kuzeybatı kıyılarına kadar Amerika'da geniş toprak parçalarını araştırdı ve kolonileştirdi. -gün Alaska ve Britanya Kolombiyası).
make a decision about the stimulus.
Donders wanted to find out the level of cognition that was required in order to react to a stimulus. Cognition is the act of receiving a stimulus and understanding it completely.
The reaction time of various stimuli were noted and analyzed. The stimuli differed by their level of complexity. A longer time would indicate that the brain was taking longer to complete the cognitive processes. This was one of the first experiments in the field of cognitive psychology.