20: checks and balances!
21: Duties: execute law, enforce law, make laws. who does them? EXECUTIVE branch EXECUTEs laws, LEGISLATIVE branch makes laws, and JUDICIAL branch ENFORCES the laws. making sure they are constitutional.
Sneferu well known under his Hellenized name Soris was the founding pharaoh of the Fourth ... Sneferu was the first king of the fourth dynasty of ancient Egypt, who according to Manetho reigned for 24 years ... I might be wrong sorry
They are lacking real human interaction. This can cause an increase in anxiety.
1. raises living standards
2.<span>B. Savings make American goods more attractive to foreign buyers.
3</span>'protect' its domestic steel industry, by
increasing the price of imported steel..
4. Medical benefits shouldn't have been wrong.. 5.people need food to survive, the demand for it will always exist no matter the price, if the price is changed people will prioritize food and other necessities
7.racial minorities
8.Nominal vs. Real GDP, and the GDP Deflator. The main difference between nominal and real values is that real values are adjusted for inflation, while nominal values are not. As a result, nominal GDP will often appear higher than real GDP.9.Cities have a higher Concentration of poor people