Yes it is enforceable, on judgement options , once a plaintiff receives a judgement in favour of him in terms of monetary, the defendant has up till 28days to make such payment. Judgement has been passed , it needs to be followed as it has been passed, it has been entered ,it is left for the defendant to comply.
The answer is competence and diligence. One of the articles of professional conduct, due care, necessitates a member to discharge professional responsibilities with competence and diligence. In addition, competence is resulting from a synthesis of education and experience. In all engagements and in all accountabilities, each member must start to attain a level of capability that will guarantee that the quality of the colleague services encounters the high level of professionalism required by these principles. The due care imposes a member to design and supervise sufficiently any professional activity for which he or she is accountable.
Education serves several functions for society. These include (a) socialization, (b) social integration, (c) social placement, and (d) social and cultural innovation.
The communication tool that would allow a current presidential candidate to most effectively interact with the greatest number of citizens would be a frequently updated social media site with a Q&A forum. The correct answer is C.