It was electricity that was being invented causing the extended number of hours in a day permitting Americans to work and even play. Electricity powers companies, industries, manufacturing plants down to the most basic unit, the homes, schools, appliances, gadgets and the likes. It was said that electricity has been invented by an American inventor named as Thomas Alba Edison however, there are a lot of arguments saying that it was not Edison who first discovered electricity. The electricity has become a vital part of the lives and business of all the people in the world.
The Inca road system formed a network known as the royal highway or qhapaq ñan, which became an invaluable part of the Inca empire, not only facilitating the movement of armies, people, and goods but also providing an important physical symbol of imperial control. Across plains, deserts, and mountains, the network connected settlements and administrative centres. Well-built and lasting, many roads included bridges, causeways, stairways, and also had small stations (chaskiwasi) and sometimes larger, more luxurious complexes (tambos) dotted along every 20 km or so, where travellers could spend the night and refresh.
Wroclaw is located in western Poland along the Oder river. It has a population of 637,075. It was chosen as one of the European Capitals of Culture because of its multi-cultural heritage, including people of Czech, Polish, and German descent. Additionally, this city has a wide range of architecture seen in the houses, churches, and universities.
ehh like none of those
A mind map involves writing down a central theme and thinking of new and related ideas which radiate out from the centre. By focusing on key ideas written down in your own words and looking for connections between them, you can map knowledge in a way that will help you to better understand and retain information