This is an example of microevolution.
Microevolution represents a small change in the genetic structure of the population. These changes manifest through the change in the allele frequencies of genes like in the case of dung beetles.
The causes of microevolution are evolutionary mechanisms, natural selection, genetic drift, mutations and gene flow.
It is an glycosidic bond.
<span>several types of : Bacteria are used to produceed yogurt
There are some type of Bacterias that are actually good for out digestive system. In order to make yogurt, the most common type of bacteria that being used are Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus bacteria</span>
I will answer the question accordingly so that it help you under stand it better.
Question A.
During an extreme heat wave, plants with white flowers survive better.
What mechanism is in work here?
Answer: Mechanism of Natural Selection
will work here. This is called survival of the fittest which means the best color which fits in harsh conditions will dominate over others and will survive for longer time.
What is the effect on the gene pool?
Answer: The Frequency of white allele will increases
because white color is the best fit to extreme heat wave.
Question B.
A person uproots the five closest plants, which all happen to have white flowers.
What mechanism is in work here?
Answer: The mechanism of gene flow will work here as color of flower represents genotype of flower.
What is the effect on the gene pool?
Answer: The Frequency of white allele will increases because genotype of white flowers is increased.
This is because cellulose is composed of beta glucose units, unlike starch that is formed using alpha-glucose units. The beta acetal linkage between units allows for linear chains hence branches are unlikely. The alpha acetal linkages allow for spiral chains. The beta glucose is good for structural polysaccharides because it allow for best interaction between polymer chains and increases the integrity and strength of the cells wall.