A misunderstanding led to conflict with the American Indians. The American Indians signed a treaty that led to lasting peace. A peace treaty was signed, but the colonists did not follow it.
Charlemagne's friend knew him directly therefore the biography written by his friend would be an example of a primary source being that the author directly experienced him.
For some of us, it began late at night: huddled under bedroom covers with our ears glued to a radio pulling in black voices charged with intense emotion and propelled by a wildly kinetic rhythm through the after-midnight static. Growing up in the white-bread America of the Fifties, we had never heard anything like it, but we reacted, or remember reacting, instantaneously and were converted. We were believers before we knew what it was that had so spectacularly ripped the dull, familiar fabric of our lives. We asked our friends, maybe an older brother or sister. We found out that they called it rock & roll. It was so much more vital and alive than any music we had ever heard before that it needed a new category: Rock & roll was much more than new music for us. It was an obsession, and a way of life.
The correct answer is D) A communist victory in one country could lead to the spread of communism to other countries.
This idea of the domino theory greatly impacted the American federal government's foreign policy during the Cold War. Due to this fear of communism spreading, the federal government adopted the policy of containment. Containment was based on the idea that America was going to stop communism from spreading to other countries. The domino theory and containment were ideas that resulted in America getting involved in several different foreign wars such as the Korean and Vietnam War.