The answer is labor cost and overhead costs.
Conversion costs include direct labor and overhead expenses incurred in the process of converting raw materials into finished products
Answer: Noting down of ideas
Explanation: Cedric could note down the ideas and points he remembers on the back of his test booklet. He should first read the question and make short notes of every point he remembers regarding that question.
This strategy will help Cedric to answer the questions while doing the final writing in answer sheet. By doing this he can also improve his speed with accuracy while answering.
d. Using the chained CPI will not have a notable impact on 2019 tax returns.
when amounts are indexed using the chanined consumer price index, they increase slowly because there is a period to period connection in the consumer price index.
Therefore, The use of the chained consumer price index would have not have any significant impact on 2019 tax returns.
Answer: Not necessarily: The debt ratios are not directly comparable, since each company is in a different industry.
We cannot authoritatively state that even though Boeing has such a high debt rate, that it is a riskier company than either Microsoft or PG&E. This is due to the drawback in ratio analysis of bias if compared across different industries.
Ratio analysis best works when comparing companies in the same industry because their situations will be similar. Comparing across industries can be misleading because different industries operate in different ways. In the Airplane manufacturing business for instance, having a high amount of debt due to having the tangible assets to back it up might be a normal thing.
The debt ratios are therefore not directly comparable because each company is in a different industry.
No not all the time because people that aren’t from the area could still spend by a speeding camera think about it if speeding carmeras solved the problem of speeding then people wouldn’t be getting into car accidents when they are speeding and people wouldn’t be getting speeding tickets anymore