this girl said that she was spreading her grandpa's ashes on the beach and she wind the wind made her grandpa's ashes fly into her mouth she said it tasted like nothing
B. That some fraternal twins resemble each other greatly while others look quite dissimilar highlights an interesting and often overlooked feature of fraternal-twin pairs, namely that they vary considerably
Fraternal twins are the most common type of twins in the world, about 70% of the total twin population. They may also be called biviteline or dizygotic. They are characterized by being developed from different eggs and sperm, even during the same gestation period. Fraternal twins do not share genetic information, so they do not become identical. In fact, they can be as different from each other as non-twin siblings, including even blood groups.
With this we can conclude that some fraternal twins resemble each other greatly while others look quite dissimilar highlights an interesting and often overlooked feature of fraternal-twin pairs, namely that they vary considerably
11 days . This is including proper diet and water.