Compounding interest is basically putting interest on interest, so it isn’t pleasant when it happens on a credit card. I would answer with B, because most credit cards today compound interest daily, so compounding frequently can increase your debt quite quickly, especially if you carry a higher balance on your card.
Oil is transported via rail cars, trucks, tanker vessels, and through pipelines.
Probably plain bu id need to see the map first . Hope this helps :)
The EPA was established to protect human health and our environment with certain laws.
The solicitor general is the <u>lawyer</u> who represents the United States before the Supreme Court in cases where the federal government is a party.
<h3><u>What duties fall under the purview of the solicitor general?</u></h3>
The Solicitor General makes decisions regarding the government's requests for Supreme Court review and the positions it will take before the Court. The staff attorneys of the Office, including Deputy Solicitors General and Assistants to the Solicitor General, draft the petitions, pleadings, and other materials that the government submits to the Supreme Court. The Solicitor General is in charge of the Supreme Court's oral arguments. The issues that the Solicitor General will not personally litigate are handed to his or her assistant or another government lawyer. In the vast majority of legal conflicts involving the government, the Solicitor General or one of the office attorneys makes their case.
Learn more about the Solicitor General with the help of the given link: