I-A ; II-D ; III-B ; IV-C ; V-E
I-A Digital signals are not continuous and having binary values which are one and zero. Digital to analog converter (DAC) provides analog signals by using digital signals. (Check the attachment)
II-D MPEG-4 is the compression of audio or video files with good quality. Files compressed by MPEG-4 is generally .mp4
III-B Ripping is the process that allows image or video transfer from CD or DVD to a file. Basically, it provides you to move video&image files where ever you want, by not depending on DVD's or CD's.
IV-C Analog signals are continuous. Voice signal is an example for analog signals and by analog to digital converter (ADC) there are outputs of analog signals in digital which represented in binary form with ones and zeroes. (Check the attachment)
V-E Thanks to codec's it is possible to compress video and audio files to small size. There are only a few lost in quality while compiling a file. Compression can be done both hardware and software but nowadays with software it is easier.