The house places more restrictions on the debate time than the Senate.
Further Explanation:
The House of Representatives has the authority to impeach whereas the Senate can only try the impeachment. Senate has the authority to approve the treaties and can take part in presidential appointments, appointments of ambassadors and judges of Supreme Court. The Senate does not have any say in the house bill and the house does not have any say in the Senate bill. After the bill is introduced in the house, it is passed to the committees for further scrutiny. After the bill is properly scrutinized it is sent either to the Majority Leader of the Senate or the Speaker of the house who will decide whether it is put for a vote or not. Once it is put to vote, it is then voted by the entire chamber. The difference between the House bill and the Senate bill is done in a conference where both the members meet to differentiate between the bills. If the bill does not get the appropriate votes in the chamber the bill dies.
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Answer Details:
Grade: High School
Subject: Political Science
Topic: The House of Representative and the Senate
Keywords: Impeachment, presidential appointments, committees, scrutiny, chamber, Senate Bill, house bill.