Is it better for a man to work and a woman to stay at home? Women and men were asked this question in the GSS 2010 file. Investigate the relationship between marital status (MARITAL) and responses to this question (Polviews). Have SPSS calculate the Chi-square by clicking on analyze, Descriptive Statistics, and Cross tabs, then on the Statistics button click on chi-square in the upper left corner and then click continue and then okay. Based on your chi-square are the results statistically significant?a. yes
b. noExplain.
A chi square (χ2) statistic is a test that measures how expectations compare to actual observed data (or model results). The data in question used in calculating a chi square statistic must have the following characteristics:
-mutually exclusive,
-drawn from independent variables,
-gotten from a large enough sample
SPSS stands for Statistical Package for Social Sciences, this is used to perform statistical analysis. It is used used by research to analyze data with various tools.
The Chi square is important becuase it can be used to test the hypothesis and see if the expected data is correlating with the actual oberved
inductive approach- preferred by Lazarsfield, approach to theory construction that sees research beginning w/empirical observation not speculation.
Inductive approach, also known in inductive reasoning, start with a set of observations and then they move from those particular experiences to a more general set of propositions about those experiences. In other words, they move from data to theory, or from the specific to the general.
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The last one. "Gandhi's main role was that of an author"