This illustrates "inattentional blindness".
Inattentional blindness which is otherwise called perceptual blindness is a mental absence of consideration that isn't related with any vision deformities or shortages. It might be additionally characterized as the occasion in which an individual neglects to see an unexpected stimulus that is on display. Inattentional blindness basically implies that you miss something directly before you.
Efferent signal by cord ventral cord neurons are interrupted
The ideals of Democracy and Freedom are political-legal concepts that have been present for a long time in the political culture of the West, at least since its philosophical and political constructions in Ancient Greece, during the 5th and 4th centuries a. Ç.
Without fear of falling into expressions of impact or easy emotional appeal, I see that, today, both the conception of Democracy and the ideal of Freedom, ended up extrapolating the political and legal heritage of the Western Christian Civilization to constitute itself one of the most important political and legal assets of all mankind.
In this light, I see that Democracy and Freedom are currently the most important political and legal pillars of the Democratic Rule of Law. The absence of one or the other results in the impossibility of the Democratic Rule of Law to exist in all its fullness.