Unfortunately, multiplying and dividing decimals this effect does not occur. In some cases, the decimal number even complicates the operatsii.Dlya beginning, we introduce a new definition. We will meet him very often, and not only in this part of uroke.Znachaschaya - is all that is between the first and the last non-zero digit, including the ends. It's only about numbers, the decimal point is not uchityvaetsya.Tsifry included in the meaningful part of the number, are called significant figures. They may be repeated or even be zero.
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
You have a total area of 2,200 sq units to cover... and each can of paint covers 400 sq units. So, you'll need:
2200 sq units / 400 sq units/can = 5.5 cans
In such problems, we always round up, since you will need 5 full cans of paint, and half of a 6th can.
So, in total you will need 6 cans of paint to cover all 2,200 sq units.