1. Number of chromosomes in the parent cell is 46
2. Number of chromatids in daughter cells formed by first division is 46
3. Number of chromosomes in daughter cells formed by first division is 23
4. Number of chromosomes in daughter cells of second division 23
5. Number of haploid cells formed by meiotic division of parent cell is 4
The best trait isnt always dominate
Mitosis produces all animal and plant cells, tissues, and organs excepts for the gametes ( the eggs and sperm). Since mitosis produces genetic clones of the parent cell when it divides, all animal and plant cells that grow from a fertilized egg (zygote) are more or less genetically identical.
Hey frnd
When glucose levels are high in blood then the person shows symptoms of diabetes mellitus
Hope this helps u frnd.
OS, Os, oS, os
To do this, first we need to determine what the genotype of the Plant C offspring is. Since the parents are both true bred, this means that their offspring will get one allele of each parent, of each trait.
Here's a Punnett to help you there
OOSS x ooss
os os os os
OS OoSs OoSs OoSs OoSs
OS OoSs OoSs OoSs OoSs
OS OoSs OoSs OoSs OoSs
OS OoSs OoSs OoSs OoSs
So Plant C would have a genotype of OoSs.
A good trick to determining the gametes of a dihybrid, is the FOIL method. Just like in math, F- first, O-outside, I- inside, and L-Last
Look at the attachment to see the FOIL method: