Individual organisms don't evolve over time. This is because evolution is passed down to offspring over time.
A frameshift changes every codon past it. A base substitution only changes one codon.
DNA is comprised of nucleotides (A, C, T, G) that make up amino acids. Every three bases is called a codon and represents an amino acid.
In a frameshift mutation, a nucleotide is either added or deleted from the sequence. This offsets the entire sequence after it because the reading frame shifts. Here's an example:
If another T is added in between the first and second codons, then every codon after will be changed.
A substitution mutation is usually less severe, as it only alters one codon in the sequence. These occur when one nucleotide is replaced by another one. Here's an example:
Let's say the first G is replaced by a T.
As you can see, none of the other codons changed.
Typically, a frameshift mutation is considered worse than a substitution mutation.
The chemicals are contaminant in the ground water system and they can inflict serious health hazards on humans when water is sourced from such polluted ground water system.
- Consuming contaminated water can lead to cholera and diarrhea.
- It makes ground water toxic and poisonous.
- Drinking contaminated ground water can lead to the introduction of heavy metals in the body.
- Chemical wastes containing radioactive materials can damage body tissues.
- They render ground water unsafe for drinking ans usage.
Learn more:
Air pollution
Which of the following is true of the composition of all materials?
All materials are made up of smaller parts that cannot be seen without magnification
Material composition entails smaller parts that made up of such materials which are embedded in it. it could be chemical, addictive, which are not seen
The Hardy-Weinberg law states that in a sufficiently large population, in which matings occur randomly and that is not subject to mutation, selection or migration, gene and genotypic free frequencies are kept constant from one generation to another, once a state of equilibrium has been reached, which in autosomal loci is reached after one generation.
It is said that a population is in equilibrium when the alleles of the polymorphic systems maintain their frequency in the population throughout the generations.