A developed economy is one that has a strong exporting industry that generates income for the country. Some examples of developed economies are the United States, England, Canada, France. Usually they call developed economies of first world.
The most diverse scientific studies demonstrate the positive relation between economic development and standard of living. The more developed a country's economy is, the better the quality of life for its citizens. The opposite is true, the less developed a country's economy, the worse a country's social indicators are.
Mercantilism brought about slavery, and an imbalanced system of trade, among other acts considered inhumane. During this period in Great Britain, the colonies faced inflation as well as excessive taxes, causing them distress and paving the way for the revolution.
There were an estimated 18 million Native Americans living north of Mexico at the beginning of the European invasion. Prior to the arrival of the Europeans, American Indians were remarkably free of serious diseases. People did not often die from diseases. As the European explorers and colonists began to arrive, this changed and the consequences were disastrous for Native American people. The death tolls from the newly introduced European diseases often reached 80-90 percent. Entire groups of people vanished before the tidal wave of disease.
The diseases brought to this continent by the Europeans included bubonic plague, chicken pox, pneumonic plague, cholera, diphtheria, influenza, measles, scarlet fever, smallpox, typhus, tuberculosis, and whooping cough. The diseases introduced in the Americas by the Europeans were crowd diseases: that is, individuals who have once contracted the disease and survived become immune to the disease. In a small population, the disease will become extinct. Measles, for instance, requires a population of about 300,000 to survive. If the population size drops below this threshold, the virus can cause illness and death, but after one epidemic, the virus itself dies out.
Another important factor in the European diseases was the presence of domesticated animals. The source of many of the infections was the domesticated animals which lived in close proximity with the humans.
Overall, hundreds of thousands of Indians died of European diseases during the first two centuries following contact. In terms of death tolls, smallpox killed the greatest number of Indians, followed by measles, influenza, and bubonic plague.
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