He thought they weakened the power of the united state congress
According to Max Weber's theory, the state is considered to be the liable authority to control or have possession of the violence within the boundary of the territory. The main source of the monopoly of violence in the state is police and military, the state has also the right to use private security until the motive behind initiating violence is fulfilled.
<span> feeling of belonging to a group. It is part of a person's self-conception and self-perception and is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, </span>social<span> class, generation, locality or any kind of </span>social<span> group that has its own distinct </span>culture<span>.</span>
Creative intelligence
Sternberg's theory of Intelligence tells us that intelligent behavior comes from being able to create a balance between being analytical, being creative and having practical abilities, and all of these abilities being able to function together in order to allow the person to achieve success.
Creative intelligence has to do with ones ability to create a new product, or come up with ideas, or inventions to new solutions to an existing problem.
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