If slaves had knowledge, they would realize they were being treated unfairly, which would make it harder for the masters to force them to work. They would also be more likely to be able to escape or rebel.
Legislative branch is the branch that defended the native Americans their is also the bureau of Indian affairs
Calvinism is basically Protestantism, but since John Calvin played a huge role in Calvinism, it is named after him. The people who practiced Calvinism, often believed they were "chosen" by God to like on their life and do what they are told. They thought that God had picked them to make a perfect Christian community, as they had lived good and true lives so they were hand chosen by God himself. They trusted in the fact that if they did this and created a pure Christian community, while living a happy life with no sin, they would earn salvation from God.
A large supply of cheap labor ....
The answer to this question would be b or d I’d lean toward more b