I think that 3 is C and 2 is B
through changes in the availability or activity of the "helper"
This process involves many "helper" proteins, which make sure the ribosome is correctly positioned. Translation can be regulated globally (for every mRNA in the cell) proteins.
c. organisms are better adapted to an environment.
With natural selection the parent gives of a gene that is better suited for survival in an environment.
One type of landform formed by wind would be sanddunes. This is the only landform I can think of formed by wind. The wind blows the sand along so that it builds up into a dune perhaps when it hits an obstacle like a small rocky spur and whole deserts can be converted into dunes.

Waves affect the ocean by creating disturbances that move energy through the water.
As the wind blows on the surface of the ocean, waves are created that transmit energy through the water from a starting point to an end point.